Christmas gift guide – Part 1 of 4
I’ve been busy selecting some of my favourite things from the classroom that would make thoughtful gifts for those still filling stockings this festive season. Hope you find it useful! Today we will start with the babies. As brands and stockists vary in different cities, hopefully you can find something similar to these in a store new you.
For babies under 1 year
1. Pop up toy
This toy by Galt is a favourite with the babies (and the toddlers too!). You can press the pegs and watch your baby laugh, your baby can teeth on these perfectly sized pegs, then start to put the pegs in the holes. Later they will master making the peg jump themselves and matching the colours.
2. Ball hammering set
This is a sturdy hammering set by Plan Toys that is perfect for mastering eye-hand coordination to push the balls through the holes, at first with their hands, and then with the hammer. Love this.
3. Nipple ball
One of the best toys for this age group is a large basket full of balls. This ball with little bumps is the favourite pick from the babies in our classes: easy to pick up with one hand and great for rolling, chasing, and learning to catch.
4. Books
See this post here for some of my favourite books for this age group:
The next part of this series will be for toddlers from 1 to 2 years! It will be on the blog soon…