Only two weeks have passed since the summer holiday break, when there was a little more breathing space in our lives. Less rush. More time to laugh. Once the holidays are over, I notice how quickly we slip back into our old ways, the haste and the “have to’s”.
Actually our family are all happy to be back to work, school and friends. But this year I am determined to keep the holiday feeling alive as long as possible by focussing on, and enjoying, the simple pleasures. Want to join me?
Small children are brilliant for keeping us in the present moment. They spot beautiful flowers growing through the cracks of the pavement. They hear every aeroplane overhead. They point out animals they pass in the city. They wear their heart on their sleeve.
So let’s be inspired by the children in our lives and enjoy the simple pleasures together.
* Let’s savour the laughter and giggles
* Let’s enjoy the puddles in autumn
* Let’s collect autumn leaves and hang them in the window
* Let’s leave our children to explore a moment longer
* Let’s comb the beach for shells, in any season
* Let’s cuddle our loved ones an extra time or two
* Let’s enjoy the crispness of the air as we cycle through the city
And I’m sure you have many great ideas too. Share them with us on our Facebook page or in the comments below. And we’ll all try to notice and enjoy these simple pleasures.