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Siblings Without Rivalry

Do you wish for some peace in your house?Siblings Without Rivalry Is there too much arguing or fighting between your children?
Is it upsetting you?
Its time to change things…

This 2-hour workshop is based on the book “Siblings Without Rivalry” and will cover:
1. What to do when children fight
2. How to see things from your children’s perspective
3. How to avoid giving roles to children based on their birth order
4. How equal is not equal
5. And how to guide your children to resolve conflicts themselves…which is a valuable lesson for life!

What other people said about the workshop:

  • “I feel hope and also happy with my new homework to improve home/life” – Alejandra
  • “Nice atmosphere, friendly environment, great opportunity to learn about yourself and your family” – Sandra
  • “Great to hear other parents sharing and ideas how to maintain happy home life” – Karen
  • “It gives tools in a nutshell. Very hands-on. It’s worth following even if you’ve read the book already.” – Gosia


This course is now available as an online workshop here. You can sign up and watch today.